<VV> Trimmed messages

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Sun, 1 Feb 2004 13:04:00 -0500

        Hi Shawn.  Everyone has a right to an opinion and heaven knows I
expressed mine (although inadvertently publicly).  I guess the difference
in your outlook is in how well you read the posts on VV.  I read them all
and respond privately to several every day.  I remember the subject of
posts from several days ago and am able to answer to them without getting
reminded by the complete publication of that post again.  I admit that
sometimes there are technical nuances that must be answered explicitly
and it is nice to include a refresher of the subject matter.  I found
Seth's story, via Marlow to be interesting the first time I read it. 
However the tenth time I read it (and it had no technical nuances) it was
just trash cluttering up the worthwhile posts.  After the first time it
could have been just as well answered or commented on by saying " in
reference to Seth's story", or "in reference to Marlow's abbreviation
rant" rather than printing the whole thing again.  You can't tell me you
thought it was proper to see the same post 2-3-4 times each digest.      
 With me it comes down to the rules (which I try to live by).  One of the
rules is to use valid email addresses in your headings which yours isn't,
or this would have been a private post.  Any future conversation on this
matter should be addressed directly to me.   Regards      Smitty