<VV> Vvvvvrrrrrrrooooooooommmmmmm!!!!
Frog Princezz
Fri, 31 Dec 2004 15:04:32 -0800 (PST)
Yeah you guessed it... SHE RUNS!!!!! I put in another fuel pump and push rod, hand primed it and gas came out of the "T", then I connected the fuel lines to the pump and cranked the car from the cheater and gas came out of the fuel lines at the carbs, then I connected the lines to the carbs and nothing. So I put in some carb cleaner, tapped the carbs tried to started it again. Still nothing but my battery was draining so I jumped the battery to my truck put some started fluid in the carbs and ... SUCCESS!!!! She then started on her own and ran for a while and several times after. Then she wouldn't start again without the jump, I reconnected to the gas tank and she labored to start but she did but wouldn't run long.
So there is my new problem, could it be the fuel sock thingy that is clogged or what?
Oh yeah, the engine got all smokey like there may be some debris down it it, what's the best way to clean it out?
Today is a landmark day for me and my Vair, I actually drove her about 3 WHOLE FEET!!
The FrogPrincezz is soon to ride!