<VV> EUM Cruise

Hank Kaczmarek kaczmarek@charter.net
Thu, 30 Dec 2004 22:04:17 -0500


For all you folks in the Midwest and North freezing your kahones off, and my
friend Tom in Germany waiting for the salt to wash off the road.....

It was a balmy 68 in Lincolnton NC today, and I had to chauffeur "alcohol boy"
to his job at the country club, and visit a friend out on the other end of the
county, so the EUM came out of the carport to make the run.

Ran about 65 miles, all systems go at this time.

But since I didn't follow the thread, could the person who started the Glass
Cleaning thread please forward me off the list what wisdom was obtained??

Apparently the EUM has "ULTRA" glass. even on the side windows, it feels like
it has been blasted with very fine glass beads.  I don't know if it is acid
rain damage or not because it isn't spotted.