<VV> Cleaning Cylinder Heads
Dave Morris
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 16:10:52 -0600
I agree. Sears Needle File set at $15.99 works good also:
Dave Morris
At 04:58 PM 12/29/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>The size (diameter) bit to use is 1/8". This diameter is available at
>hardware stores in what is called "jobber length" (I have no idea why it's
>called that), which is about 12 inches. While you CAN chuck this diameter
>drill bit into a Dremel, I wouldn't do it - I don't think Dremels develop
>enough torque for the job, and they run faster than you need, anyway. Use a
>plain, old electric drill. About half the cutting is (trying to) cut with
>the SIDE of the bit (which normal bits aren't really designed to do), and
>the other part is cutting with the END of the bit, which IS how they are
>designed to work, and here, I want to CAUTION YOU to NOT drill through into
>any of the combustion chambers. That will ruin the head (or at least require
>a welded repair). Confining yourself to flash and avoiding castings is the
>idea, but of course it's easier to say than to do.
> Just make sure, every time you drill with the end of the drill, that
>you're not drilling into a combustion-chamber wall. Study that head in good
>light (including backlighting the head). You'll figure it out. I got
>especially useful views of the head backlighting it with a light directed
>against a large, flat, bright (white) surface, like the inside of my garage
>Joe Potts
>Miami, Florida USA
>1966 Corsa coupe 140hp 4-speed with A/C
>-----Original Message-----
>From: virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org
>[mailto:virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of Dominique Allen
>Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:34 PM
>To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> Cleaning Cylinder Heads
>Hey everyone, I am trying to clean the flashing between the cylinder head
>fins and would like to use my dermal but I can't find any bits long enough
>to do the job properly. Does anyone have any good suggestions for getting
>down inside the head to get all of the old flashing out? Thanks for your
>Dominique Allen
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