<VV> paint/rust question
James & Erin Marispini
Sun, 26 Dec 2004 00:15:50 -0600
That quote was from a movie. I did not write it to insult or make anyone angry. it was taken out of context by a few people who wanted it to meen so many other things. I could change the place to somewhere fictional like mmmmmm Potsalvania! But that is NOT what was said in the movie. He could have said any number of places but germany was the place the script writers picked. I will type this one more time. ALL this was ment for was an example. I ONLY meant that if it was made here it was painted one way. If it was made somewhere else it would be painted the way they made it over there and NOTHING else. And I think it is VERY cool that you love your country enough to fight for it! Three cheers for freedom my freind! Have a good christmas and a happy new year.
Jim wrote (to Joe and VV):
>> I dont know where your other insulting remarks about obese canadians
>> americans and germans even comes into play.
This is exactly what I wanted to ask you, Jim, about your original mail:
>>>>were in america. And that thats how it works exept if your living in
>>>>germany. then its reversed. Same thing!
BTW, I will join my Army again to protect and fight if necessary, too, as
stated in my oath to the constitution of Germany, same as I did in the
early 80s, and my brother does at the moment within NATO.
Thomas, Germany