<VV> Re: <VV>Paint/rust question
Fri, 24 Dec 2004 7:53:37 -0600
CANADIAN manufactured Corvairs always used enamel! So be careful dissing enamel as 'not original'. It's original for some...
1965 Canadian Corsa cvt 140/4 red/white/black
Message: 12
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 00:26:22 -0600
From: "James & Erin Marispini" <cyberkahuna@qwest.net>
To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: <VV> Re: <VV>Paint/rust question
from the look of those pics. it's mostly surface rust. If you treat it, <<snip>> in case a
butcher repainted it in the past with enamel.( dad always laughed at car
shows when people called theyr corvairs restored to factory specs and
then told him they used enamel!) I know alot of folks might love the
stuff and thats great. But if you wanna say its REALLY restored then you
will paint in laquer, period. For the permanent fix before you repaint.
Grind again then checkout the new por15 products. They REALLY do work.