<VV> Re: Windshield Washer Fluid (Now cleanser?
Dennis & Debbie Pleau
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:36:29 -0600
While I was in college the first time, I had a night job working for a
Pontiac Dealer. I detailed new cars before they were put on the lot. We
used Bon Ami bars to clean all the glass. It did wonderful job.
At 04:45 PM 12/23/2004, ronchoy@comcast.net wrote:
>I've never needed to abrasively clean a windshshield before Rain-X. Just
>denatured alcohol, as they suggest.
>Jost don't get it on the paint and forget to remove it. Don't ask me how I
>Regarding BonAmi and other abrasive cleansers, you won't scratch your
>glass so long as the abrasive is softer than quartz. Ithink they tend to
>use calcite or something softer. Particle size doesn't matter. When in
>doubt, test it. -ron 65,66