<VV> aero drag
James Davis
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 16:24:34 -0600
Sorry the Cd if a flat plate is 1.28.... or at least it was when I got my
masters in 1962. A .45 cal projectile (bullet) has a Cd of 0.295. Not all
things in aerodynamics are intuitively obvious. That's why the Von
Karman vortex street revolutionized car body design. Greenbriers/Corvans
have a Cd around 0.070 and Rampsides/Loadsides about 0.80 based on my
Jim Davis
At 04:54 PM 12/22/2004, AeroNed@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 12/22/2004 4:18:58 PM Central Standard Time,
>ddpleau@earthlink.net writes:
>"FC's have the ballistics of a brick".
>One can think of a vehicle's drag coefficient as being a measure of the
>shape to that of a flat plate or wall. For a FC, or similarly shaped
>vehicle, the
>drag coefficient would be real close to 1.0...