<VV> Santa Comes Early

Bill and Pat Kronen billpat@telusplanet.net
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 14:12:16 -0700

As of today there is one more licensed Corvair ready for the road.  My 
'63 Spyder vert officially passed the 'out of province' inspection which 
allowed me to insure and license it here in Alberta.
Actually, just in time to drive it in the garage to hibernate until 
April. Mechanic/friend Ron McLean did all the hard work while I chased 
down parts and pieces...which has been an experience in itself.  Thanks 
to all who helped along the way. You know who you are....and to VV for 
all the neat information that has been shared.  I've tried to cull out 
those things that may prove useful in the future.  Not so sure about all 
this recent discussion on windshield washers and such since I don't 
intend to drive it in the snow, sleet and rain.  Will get another car 
for that.  Anyone have a decent '66 Corsa Coupe out there????  Missed 
out on a beauty in Iowa when my wife didn't think we were quite ready 
for 2 Vairs.  Anyway,  Merry Christmas to all and hope to meet some of 
you face to face at the Iowa Regional or Portland National.  One or the 
other come hell or high water.  Have a great Chritsmas and blessed New Year
Bill Kronen
63 Spyder vert(now I can really add that)