corvairs lonwall@corvairunderground.com
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 13:32:43 -0800

Ok kids here's the deal -

1) A disproportionate (as to years) number of nationals are 2000 miles 
plus away from the West Coast (This years "Midwest" National was only 
about 400 miles closer than last year's Eastern National)
2)  Despite that,  fact a great many of us travel East every year.

I wear two hats here - One as the Publicity Chair for the Portland 2005 
International and the other as a vendor. As the former I will do 
whatever it takes to get you to come to Portland. Ask anyone about our 
regional we held in 1995. We know that a great many who attended have 
been trying to talk us into doing a National ever since. I think anyone 
who attends will LOVE it. This will be a VERY nice convention in a VERY 
nice (and unique) place. I'm sure it will be the first and only time as 

Now, as a vendor I would not want to even suggest that I oppose the 
other two regions having thier own regionals. I know way too many of you 
personally and respect you  not only as customers, but individuals. I 
undertsand the costs involved.

It hasn't been mentioned much yet but  the Eastern division will ALSO be 
hosting a September sanctioned Regional. There is no question in my mind 
that the midwest and Eastern regionals will be in greater competition 
for attendees than they will be with our Portland National.

I have long lamented the loss of the annual Midwest regionals. They were 
always great fun - but why this year of all years? (and why less than 4 
weeks apart?)

Well, I have told both Midwest and Eastern planners that I will attend 
thier regionals (unless the market crashes or a house falls on me). 
That's a standing promise I've made the past 20 years - to attend and 
vend at any sanctioned regionals. But if I were you, I'd do whatever it 
takes to make it out to the beautiful Northwest next July. We'll have a 
first rate event for you and you can visit one of the most beautiful 
areas of our great country. Check out www.corsaoregon.com to stay in touch!

