<VV> Re:engine removal

Gary Swiatowy mopar@jbcs2.net
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 05:13:07 -0500

> Reply-to: ACEWBANK@tampabay.rr.com
> Subject: <VV> engine removal
> I am thinking about buying a transmission jack to remove the engine and
drive train from my 64 spyder. What should I look for or is there a better
way. (I don't want to build anything)
You do not want a transmission jack. what you should be looking for is
available through Harbor Freight, Sears, Costco and many other places. It is
called an ATV jack which is used for motorcycles or ATVs. It has 2 flat pads
and goes down real low. It is ideally suited for Corvair drivetrain removal
as compared to anything else.
Gary Swiatowy