<VV> Re: tough but fair curmudgeons
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:55:07 +0000
> >In a message dated 12/19/2004 8:32:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> >djtcz@comcast.net writes:
> >Gene Berg has been a VW High Performance hero for decades years.
> >He is kind of a prickly curmudgeon, but actually kind and fair.
> ....isn't the last line kinda contradictory...? ;)
> tony..
Not sure if he even is in the business any more. Might be his son now.
The last time I spoke to him was at least 15 years ago. I asked him him many tech questions about line boring cases and bearing fits, etc. He answered them all (that was the kind part). But he also made it clear he did not approve of VW line bored cases, and why. At the end of my questions the phone call ended pretty quick. At the time I felt that was the prickly curnudgeon part. However, Looking back at my not-so-youthful ignorance, and the fact I did not even buy anything from him, I am amazed he talked to me at all. There are many folks who do not "suffer fools gladly."
I would not call him to ask about VW line boring today. His web page covers it pretty well anyway.