<VV> engine blocks

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:49:48 -0800

At 07:54 hours 12/18/2004 -0800, Larry Forman wrote:
>At 08:45 PM 12/17/2004 -0500, MarPack57@aol.com wrote:
>>What are the differences between a FC engine and a wagon engine? I'm looking
>>at mounting differences if any, internal differences and anything that would
>>preclude me from using a wagon engine in a van with 4 speed.
>>    Thanks. Ed in Florida
>Hi Ed,
>No differences that I am aware of.  You should be fine.
>-- Larry

Yep, there was even a "universal" replacement engine available that was the
correct engine for both a Lakewood and an FC.   I had a Lakewood with one
of these engines.   There's also an FC here, a Lakewood here, and there's a
spare FC/Lakewood engine stored away.    No difference in the engines, they
freely swap back and forth.    
