<VV> Red Color options
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 14:41:53 -0500
Would you be talking about a 'candy red'? Candy colors, such as Candy
apple red, are usually sprayed with a silver base, a semi transparent
red than the clear. It gives a very cool look. I've done it before, like
mentioned, very easy as all you are doing is applying a couple extra
Ron Tinkham
Pine Tree Corvairs (in the works)
66 Corsa Convertible, 140, 4sp
one more comment on your choice of reds, kind of--when you pick a red,
may I
suggest doing a base coat of silver or bright white (I prefer the
before laying down the red. The silver makes the red really "pop" and
much richer. try some on a junk panel and see. very little extra
and a discernable difference in the result, IMHO. bob mc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Morris" <BigD@DaveMorris.com>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> Red Color Options