<VV> RE:opinions no vair.
Wed, 15 Dec 2004 17:06:35 -0500
For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure it's primarily the responsibility of
the driver entering the highway to accelerate and merge safely. Yes, common
sense and courtesy would be move left adjust speed etc. as necessary.
Assuming the left lane is open (Just because I'm doing 55 doesn't mean some
in the left lane isn't passing me at 56 or 80!) I'll move left or whatever.
The rule is supposed to be keep right, except to pass.
I get ticked off at the dummy that pulls out onto the highway doing 45
causing me to slow down. Sometimes there's nobody visible behind me for
miles, but he HAD TO get on in front off me. Then he slowly decides to
accelerate to 65 over the next several miles. You either have to learn to
live with it or find alternative transportation. That's just reality.
> This is a HUGE peeve of mine... some of the people riding in the
> right lane
> will burn in Hell before they would give it up and move to the center lane
> to allow entering traffic to merge without arguing over who's lane it is.
> a car accelerates down the *short* acceleration ramp trying to merge into
> the southbound lane and here comes somebody who *Refuses* to
> yield... it's
> almost always a matter of their ramming someone from behind, when
> they have
> plenty of warning via those big green signs strung across the Interstate
> indicating the entrance/exit at Rt-460. I never fail to yield and change
> to the center or left lane just so I won't have to play dodgecars with
> merging traffic.