<VV> Confidential Corporate Correspondence [humor]
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 15:18:07 EST
dmonasterio@megared.net.mx writes:
> Wow !!
> What a deal !! I can't let it pass. It is lots much better than been in
> charge of Vicente Fox' Boots Factory which I was just ready to sign in for.
> Just let me phone to Vicente and tell him to look for another guy. This way
> I
> can get a bunch of dollars instead of devaluated pesos ! BTW, with the gas
> prices rising, I was experimenting with Tequila as an alternate fuel for
> Corvairs but can't find a way to avoid engine hangovers.
> Daniel (jumping bean) Monasterio
> South Nafta ULTRA parts rep.
Welcome Daniel, to the world of Ultra!
I deeply touched that you are giving Vincente the Boot! I only wish that
someday we will see Joe Robbins doing the same to the Bohunks! I will personally
send you a list of all the "benefits" of being a "Rep" [ as soon as there are
some! ].
Now down to business;
Tequila will, in the future, be referred to as " Ultra Race Gas".
Hangovers? How about "side effects include hard starting in the morning, and strange
noises emmiting from engine compartment"???
Is Mescal any cheaper??
Your fearless leader
Mr. DeckRug