<VV> More Thanks/More Questions
Bill and Pat Kronen
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 06:24:33 -0700
Christmas cheer to you all, especially where you don't have a white
Christmas. Never was sure if Irving Berlin got that right. Anyway,
thanks to all for the VV and private responses to my question about
winter storage. Now have a handle on that. Spyder is again ready for
inspection having a whole new (NOS) set of ball joints. All lights
working including the backup (that switch was an expensive little
bugger) and all appears ready. One puzzlement; can't seem to find a
high beam indicator light on the panel. We changed over the speedometer
but neither the new or the old has it as a part of the head. Am I
missing something? Looking in the wrong place? Must be one! Also, can
anyone explain the reason for that high end price for the 66 Corsa turbo
vert that sold on eBay. Obviously a great car but thats the highest
number I've seen in my few short months of involvment.
Has the rest of the world discovered Corvair? Also for Alan that
'luncheon truncheon' you mentioned sounds strangely like our infamous
SPAM, a staple in my youth. There is actually a SPAM Museum in northern
Iowa. Amazing! Peace and joy to all.
Bill Kronen