<VV> Turbo Odyssey Part 10 -- Top Down Cruise
Norman C. Witte
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 07:07:15 -0500
This post can be viewed on-line at
I don't have a ton to report in the way of work getting done but the few
tasks that got accomplished this week are big milestones. Tuesday I had
Pollack Glass come to the house and remove the windshield. They also
repaired a chip in it. Either it will clean up nice and I will use it as
repaired, or I will get a new windshield and sell this one, but the sucka's
out now. The rust below the windshield is as bad as it looked but it is an
isolated repair.
I talked to the media blaster earlier in the week and they expect to be able
to take the car in the middle of next week. This poses a bit of a problem
for me. Our yard runs uphill toward my pole barn that sits at the back of
the lot on the north side. I don't have a driveway up to it; I just drive
over the lawn, Philistine that I am. The last couple of days have been
relatively warm and dry, and it is possible to drive a car--or push it --on
the lawn. The forecast for the next couple of days calls for rain turning
to snow. Maneuvering an unpowered car around in snow covered grass sounds
like a nightmare to me. So I decided that the car needs to go on the
trailer ASAP, even if it sits out for a few days. After all, if it gets
wet, so what? I am taking it to be stripped.
Tonight I wrapped the shifter in a contractor's trash bag and taped it
securely. Then my mother (visiting for a couple days) and I pushed the car
the car out of the barn, cutting the wheels sharply to the left. I wanted
to load the car onto the trailer nose first because there is no latch on the
engine lid, and I don't want it blowing open on the freeway.
Next step was getting the trailer hooked to the truck and lined up with the
car, downhill from where we left the car parked. It was easier than I
expected to get the car lined up and ready to go onto the trailer, and with
the slope of the yard it was almost a flat run up the ramps. My wife and
oldest daughter Allison came out at just the perfect moment for that last
boost up the ramps and the car was on the trailer. Dad used to work Mom
pretty hard cutting firewood and such and I think having her help made the
task easy.
Here are some pictures of the car after strapping it down. A friend of mine
borrowed my trailer and got it muddy, but I will probably survive.
I decided to pose with the car for a picture. Since it was a thirty-second
exposure, I came out a little blurry. Between all the hours I have been
working lately and lack of sleep, this seems appropriate.
Norm Witte