<VV> State Inspection Wars

Keith Hammett khammett@stainlessfab.com
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 11:35:49 -0600

I did inspections the same way whenever I was doing them.  Those that I knew
got a sticker with a simple light and horn check.  Those that I didn't know
got the going over!  I have even passed a non running car so they could keep
plates on it and in the driveway.

Once I got a guy for missing lug nuts.  Those shinny shoes tipped me off
that he was HP checking on the station.  After he paid I said "thanks
officer".  He wanted to know how I knew but I wouldn't tell....

Keith Hammett

-----Original Message-----


He said, "I know that guy.  He bought the car new and he never lets
anything go wrong on it.   His car wouldn't be in here if it wasn't able to
pass.   I don't know you."

It made sense.     ;)