<VV> Re State Inspection Wars
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 11:55:44 EST
In a message dated 12/8/2004 6:19:23 AM Pacific Standard Time,
kaczmarek@charter.net writes:
> All
> Ken, Smitty and I all in agreement??? Somp'in ain't right......
> But I have always believed you have to have at least one stripped bolt or a
> blown gasket above the neckline to own such a vehicle....I guess I was right
> all along!
> >At 05:19 PM 12/7/2004, vairologist@juno.com wrote:
> >> I always thought anyone that drives an air cooled car
> >>with a rear engine and swing arm suspension must be mentally defective.
> >> _______________________________________________
> >
> >Truer words were never spoken (written). :)
> >
> >Ken "another mental defective" W.
Hank..you're just peeved cause your country lost the war...in 1 day! ggggg
Adolph Hitler commissioned a "peoples car"........Ferdinand Porsche
responded with the VW Beetle.....the "All Time" leader in production until recent
years[?] The "air Cooling / rear overhung engine...independent 4 wheel
suspension" are still the "pinnacle" of technology / layout....in automobiles
Bureaucrats have legislated out air cooling [ emissions ] and "bean
counters" have determined the CHEAPEST way to build cars [FWD]
In closing..... you guys go your doctors....ask if Zyprexa is right for you!
Matt Nall / Patiomatt / WCUH / Chairman V V
69 Monza Cpe., 66 Monza vert, 65 Crown v8 Cpe.
Somewhere between Reno, NV. and Coos Bay, Or.