<VV> Re: Finds we've found

Gary Swiatowy mopar@jbcs2.net
Sun, 5 Dec 2004 09:46:49 -0500

Well since you asked...............

In a 62 4-door I bought I found the trunk to be full of greasy grimy motor
parts, cylinders and pistons, cam, push rod tubes, etc.........sure enough,
opened the heater doors in the back, and everything was nice and clean! The
guy I bought the car from, apologized as he had never "did anything" with
the car, he had just bought it and left it in the driveway. Didn't even have
a trunk key for it. He didn't realize the ignition key was the trunk key.

a 66 Dodge I bought for a parts car for my dodge, I yanked out the back seat
and found a loaded 22 caliber pistol. Gave that to a friend as I have no use
for guns.

Was given a 68 Cougar one time, just to get it out of the guys yard where
the previous tennant had abandoned it. For over a year it had been there,
unregistered and quite a bit rusty..........Of course, no paperwork, so I
figured I would part out the car. Sold motor and tranny, opened the trunk
and found a new cross ram for a small block ford, a 4-speed transmission,
and a bunch of other Ford parts. Sold pretty much all the parts and pieces
through a swap sheet, and flea markets and made out quite well. About 3
years later the real owner of the car came looking for it. I was warned to
hide any remainder of the car as the real owner of the car had just gotten
out of jail..................The guy that gave me the car told him that one
day the dcar was just gone................didn't know anything about it.

Gary Swiatowy