<VV> 2 discoveries!!
Sat, 04 Dec 2004 16:46:56 -0800
In a '63 F-85 Deluxe 4dr I once had, there was a credit card receipt stuffed
down the crack in the middle of the front bench seat. On the receipt was the
original dealer's name in California with "F-85 demonstator" written on it.
It had the sweet 215 aluminum V-8 with the extra high compression 10.75:1
heads. I know why they picked it for a demonstrator.<G>
yea, Vairily ... Shaun
----- Original Message -----
From: "Les" <corvair@mb.sympatico.ca>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> 2 discoveries!!
> I have a 1963 U.S. 50-cent piece ("Half Dollar") that I found in a place
on my 1963 Spyder that could have only been placed there at the factory.
Wonder who did that?
> Les
> ===================
> Message: 9
> From: "Songs by Steve" <Songsbysteve@tampabay.rr.com>
> To: "Virtual Vairs Corvair \(MSN Corvair\)" <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 23:08:29 -0500
> Subject: <VV> 2 discoveries!!
> Hello Groupies.
> Steve in St. Pete, FL here; just GOTTA share my little story.
> First, thank you to all who gave me suggestions on running a tach lead
> back to the engine compartment. I ended up running it under the door
> behind the back seat, through the bulkhead, and into the engine comp't,
> following the stock wiring, then directly to the coil. New tach works
> nicely, and looks really good for an add-on. It's a Sun-Pro "mini tach"
> 5/8") with a chrome bezel/black face, so it "matches" the dash a little
> It's mounted on the steering column, but also sitting slightly under the
> dash, so it doesn't stick out . Also hooked up to the lighting circuit so
> it illuminates and dims with the circuit.
> Now my little story. While I had the back seats out, there was a lot of
> accumulated junk under there. old cigarette wrappers, lots of dust, and
> things that could no longer be indentified. Among this stuff were two
> things of value, however.. One was the end piece to the stainless
> convertible trim that always breaks off.. just sitting there waiting to be
> found. I've since replaced the end piece, but the original is nicer than
> replacement. The 2nd thing I found was even cooler. I saw what looked to
> a coin.. a very grimy and dirty one; couldn't even tell what it was until
> wiped it off. Turned out to be a 1962 dime.. sitting buried in the bowels
> of my 1962 convertible. Just a little dime, but it makes me wonder how it
> got there, and by whom. Does it really matter? Nah, but it intrigues
> people like me with too much time on our hands, right?
> Happy motoring.
> Stevie G
> St. Pete, FL
> Songs by Steve
> -Personalized Songs
> -Messages on Hold
> -Voiceover Services
> Tel: 727-343-2772
> www.songsbysteve.com <http://www.songsbysteve.com/>
> --__--__--
> Message: 10
> From: Corvkid50@aol.com
> Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 09:22:03 EST
> Subject: Re: <VV> 2 discoveries!!
> To: Songsbysteve@tampabay.rr.com, virtualvairs@corvair.org
> Steve and gang,
> Back when I was in Seattle I picked up a nice 62 coupe. I had to put
> engine in it but it was a good solid body. I was cleaning it up and in
> tray at the base of the front window I found a coin. Took a while to dig
it out
> but I did it. It was a toll coin from the Vancouver-Portland Toll bridge.
> I'm sure it's been a while since they charged tolls on it. It's like new
and I
> still have it. I contacted the City of Portland and the guy said it was
> worth 25 cents LOL Now it just sits on my desk. What are some other
finds we
> have found in our cars?
> Ron Thompson
> --__--__--
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