FW: <VV> Engine rear housing
Sadek Charles H DLVA
Fri, 3 Dec 2004 14:48:07 -0500
Subject: RE: <VV> Engine rear housing
1. The cover is the 8 shaped area I think you are talking about. You can
buy a new one or have one made. If worn beyond specified clearances, then it
is no good (If it is thin enough where the rotors are, so that the
clearance is too great, then no good).
2. You can get the paper gaskets in different thicknesses and that is how
you shim the cover for proper clearance: Use the correct thickness gasket.
3. You can buy the bypass valves thru Clarks/Underground. Usually you
don't need to replace them.
Good Luck
Chuck S
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Monasterio [mailto:dmonasterio@megared.net.mx]
Subject: <VV> Engine rear housing
I have readed on all Corvair books enough information on how the rear
housing (or oil distributor) works, addition of high volume oil pumps,
cleaning and enlarging of the passageways, etc. but, don't remember a word
about the oil pump housing wear nor on bypass valve replacement.
Several of my ULTRA spare rear housings show some wearing (like
on the "8" shaped area but, don't know how to determine if they still usable
or not. On most other engines (non Corvair) there is an oil pump assembly
(housing & gears) to replace but, on Corvairs, when talking about new oil
pumps it means gears only. What about the wear on the "8" shaped area ?
About bypass valve(s), is there an easy way to replace it (them) ?
As always, thanks a lot for any response
Daniel Monasterio (trying to learn some more from the experts)
67, Corsareized Cpe. (El Andariego)
62, Customized Rampside (daily work horse)