<VV> Re: CREEPER CRAP and cardboard
Mike Stillwell
Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:35:32 -0800 (PST)
We call them "Car Diapers" cause they catch all the
s*** that falls off the cars when you work on them in
the driveway. That and old diaper boxes are often
used. One of the many benefits of having young
I also prefer cardboard, because you don't have to
put the car up as high in the air to work on it and
you are closer to the ground in case the car should
happen to shift ground-ward.
That being said, I always give the car a good shake
when it is up in the air, before I get under them.
Buddy of mine lost his Dad last month when a car came
down on him. Bad way to go.
--- HallGrenn@aol.com wrote:
I folded it up with the trash still on
> it and threw it away with
> a twinge of guilt.> Bob Hall
> And cardboard works on grass, gravel and dirt.
> When you are done just pull the cardboard out
> with all of the tools parts,
> dirt and oil on it.
> Warren
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