<VV> Creeper crap/ reality (humor?)
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Thu, 02 Dec 2004 02:22:46 -0500
Well Larry, Now we have a legitimate "creeper" problem since it exists
for medium size and ???xxxL size................Clark needs a 18 wheeler
creeper by KenWorth !!! <GGG>
"tiny" FrontMan
At 07:55 PM 12/1/04 -0800, you wrote:
>At 09:56 PM 12/1/2004 -0500, Clark Hartzel wrote:
>>I have thrown away every creeper I ever had as they
>>were all junk! My latest purchase was a 6-wheel creeper from Harbor
>>Freight. If any of you were thinking that one of these would make a good
>>Christmas present, DON'T!!!! Every time you use it the wheels loosen up and
>>eventually fall off. It is impossible to tighten the nut that hold the
>>wheels to the frame as the stud keeps turning. Tonight I spent 3 hours
>>making and welding pads on the creeper frame to accept "real casters". It
>>is like putting perfume on a pig! Has anybody bought a creeper lately that
>>worked right and you were happy with? What brand is it?
>>Clark "creepy" Hartzel
>Hi Clark,
>I REALLY want to see the answer to this question of a GOOD creeper. I had
>the exact same experience with the creeper and it is now garbage, but
>maybe I will do welding on mine also. Too bad you need to remake what
>should have been designed properly in the first place.
>-- Larry
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman