<VV> Creeper crap
Clark Hartzel
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 21:56:34 -0500
My body is getting too old to crawl around under a Corvair on concrete so I
like to use a creeper. I have thrown away every creeper I ever had as they
were all junk! My latest purchase was a 6-wheel creeper from Harbor
Freight. If any of you were thinking that one of these would make a good
Christmas present, DON'T!!!! Every time you use it the wheels loosen up and
eventually fall off. It is impossible to tighten the nut that hold the
wheels to the frame as the stud keeps turning. Tonight I spent 3 hours
making and welding pads on the creeper frame to accept "real casters". It
is like putting perfume on a pig! Has anybody bought a creeper lately that
worked right and you were happy with? What brand is it?
Clark "creepy" Hartzel
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