<VV> Re:Wheel Stud Torque
Doug Mackintosh
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 12:45:05 +0000 (GMT)
Hey Smitty! Look again. Page 3-21 of the 1961 manual
says 45-65 ft-lbf. It would have been nice if they
had put it in the back with all the torque specs, but
it IS there!
Smitty said:
<<Smitty says; Every day is an education on the list.
When I answered
torque question with 70-80 ft lbs it was only after
checking the Early
manual and satisfying myself that it was not in there.
Then I went to
the VA State Safety Inspection criteria. It said 70-
80 which I
reported. Now we all know the State inspection laws
are infalable
we? I will take the Late manual when I go to my
meeting with the
(act like I think it is for my car) and offer to
stuff it up the
-- Doug Mackintosh
Corsa member since 1996
Corsa/NC member since 1996, Virtual Vairs member
Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on
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