Goals, was: <VV> traitors?

Your Name airvair@richnet.net
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 22:14:49 -0400


I can't understand why you find this so difficult to understand. It's
like jumping out of a burning building into a tree. YOU seem to only
want to aim for the bottom branch, because you don't think the top
branch is obtainable. What happens if you miss that last branch?
Wouldn't it be better to aim for the top (best) branch possible? Of
course I know a perfect world doesn't exist, but why shouldn't we try to
make it one?

Anyone who doesn't strive for a perfect world is condemned to live in a
very imperfect one.


> Mark et.al
>      While I understand Mark's feelings in the matter he describes,
such a thing would only happen in a perfect world. For those of you who
don't know Mark well, the perfect world is a goal he strives for, but
cannot be convinced (at least by me) that it doesn't exist.