<VV> Centermount fit question on an early?

BobHelt@aol.com BobHelt@aol.com
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:27:13 EDT

In a message dated 8/30/04 3:05:21 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
GYoungwolf@aol.com writes:

> Are there other early 
> owners out there with a similar clearance problem? If so, how did you fix 
> it, 
> and if not, what could be wrong? Is it an issue with convertibles? Thanks,
> Grant
Yes, long long ago, on my '62 convertible. I fixed it with a hammer bending 
the hood metal out of the way. I found a real thin air cleaner (about 1 inch 
thick ) that worked pretty well after the hammering. I suspect that all earlies 
with a four leg adapter will have this problem. Maybe a two leg adapter too.
Bob Helt