<VV> 62 PG 84hp heads

bjornyesterday bjornyesterday@yahoo.com
Sat, 28 Aug 2004 08:05:44 -0700 (PDT)

Bob, and other list members...

Does the 1960 Corvair with auto trans AND the 1961 with auto trans
and standard engine both have the 84 hourse power engine?  

As always, thanks for the info.

Andy Anderson

--- BobHelt@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/23/04 9:44:19 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
> PVanderl@mwestmp.com writes:
> > Is there any truth to the info I heard that a true 84hp PG car
> did actually
> > come with 102 heads but with a different cam than the 102 or was
> it just a
> > strange dream? 
> Yes, the 84 hp engine was an 80 hp engine with high compression
> heads (i.e., 
> 102 hp heads)
> Regards,
> Bob Helt

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