<VV> FW: More: Wheels at Beaver
Sadek Charles H DLVA
Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:43:42 -0400
Ken Klingaman needs a ride at BeaveRun. Can anyone help Ken out? We all
need to share rides; I have done so twice in the last four years or so. One
year, we shared with a third driver causing all kinds of consternation. The
point is, the folks who enter ought to be able to drive if something happens
to their car or have other extenuating circumstances.
Someone else wrecked Ken's car couple years ago and he doesn't have a car
fixed up yet. He has been a stalwart member of the NECC, Bayshore events,
etc. helping out wherever, coming to events without a car yet helping out.
Several years ago, he flat-towed his Yenko from NJ to IL for the Blackhawk
Farms event.
Can someone please help out?
Chuck S