<VV> Usefulness of installing a seat belt with a washer

Eric S. Eberhard flash@vicspdi.com
Wed, 25 Aug 2004 10:34:28 -0700

Statistics are the worst lie.  Accidents per 100,000 miles have gone down 
almost 20% since the 60's according to some reports (notice I said 
some).  However, modern drivers currently drive 2.3 times as many miles as 
they did in the sixties (longer commutes and more long road-trip vacations) 
according to some reports (also I said some reports).  Simple math shows 
that you are more likely (1.84 times more likely to be exact) to get into 
an accident with the above figures.  No matter what statistics you use, we 
do drive more than in the sixties and we drive more miles compared to the 
"accidents per 100,000 miles" so no matter who's stats you use Bill is 
correct.  Bill stated you were more likely to get into an accident 
(correct), not that you were more likely to get into an accident for every 
100,000 miles (incorrect).

At 10:22 PM 8/24/2004, NicolCS@aol.com wrote:
><snip> Bill Hubbell wrote: Your chances of being in an accident are much
>higher today than they were 40 years ago. <unsnip>
>Oh really? I wonder how it can be that the number of accidents per 100,000
>miles has been on a steady decline since the late sixties along with the
>absolute number of deaths despite a multiple increase in the number of 
>cars, drivers,
>and miles driven?  Must be some kind of misty statistical fantasy from the
>vast right and left wing conspiracies,eh?
>Craig (believes in improvements) Nicol
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Eric S. Eberhard
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