<VV> Serving more than one master! Cylinder.
Eric S. Eberhard
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 15:51:32 -0700
And if a comet drops on me while driving I will likely die right away :-)
At 01:11 PM 8/24/2004, CORSABILL@aol.com wrote:
>If you have a rear axle problem on your '62, you have NO brakes, NO
>down shift, and NO parking brake. Ask around on VV and elsewhere
>just how that feels.
>JMHO, Bill Loftin
Eric S. Eberhard
(928) 567-3727 Voice
(928) 567-6122 Fax
(800) 569-1122 Denver Office (I am never there, you can leave a
928-301-7537 -- you may call any time day or night, I turn it off when I
sleep :-) Please try to use a land line first (reception often poor).
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