<VV> Distributor Position

Eric S. Eberhard flash@vicspdi.com
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:45:44 -0700

Take the wires and move each one -- one position counter-clockwise.  Then 
you can turn the distributor the distance between the wires in the 
clockwise position to get the same timing.

At 03:43 AM 8/24/2004, Ewell Mills wrote:
>I feel sure this has been covered many times, but I have a serious case of CRS
>(I'm old).
>How does one get the distributor to turn a few degrees one way or the other
>and still be able to properly set the timing?
>My vacuum advance connection, where the vacuum hose connects, is right in the
>way of the A/C belt which grinds the hose away in short order when I have the
>timing set to 14% (110).  I tried rotating the wires one position and
>resetting the timing, but I must have done something wrong, because I ended
>back up where I started.  Thanks.
>Cecil Mills
>Cocoa, Fl.
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Eric S. Eberhard
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