<VV> Re: Apparent Head Gasket Leak
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 09:58:14 -0400
> From: <vairologist@juno.com>
> <Smit>
> > Now I have explained how I think oil would be present at
> the barrel to head parting line. All of the people on VV are now
> waiting with breathless anticipation to hear how it is more likely
> would appear there.
> <unSmit>
> Easy. For every gallon of gas consumed, our engines produce an equal
> amount of water.
> yea, Vairily ... Shaun
Smitty says: I'm sorry, I misunderstood his problem. I thought he said
oily, not water stain. So if he has water coming out there does that
mean it is coming from a vent pipe leak or a block cover leak or a rocker
stud leak? Or is it coming from a head gasket leak, which would answer
his original question and agree with my answer.