<VV> RE: Re: Shhhh...'60 questions (humor)
Eric S. Eberhard
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 23:47:15 -0700
Have you never heard the phrase "late BREAKING news" ...
At 07:02 PM 8/13/2004, Stephen Upham wrote:
>They could have saved themselves a whole lot of trouble and gotten
>basically the same effect while improving several other features of the
>car by simply stepping up to a late. GGG
>Stephen Upham
>Dallas, Texas
>Mid prod. #18732 -1965 Monza sedan 110, Sierra Tan - Saddle, PG, A/C,
>original AM/FM, clock, tint, oil bath air filter, w/ 77K
>Corvairium II
>From: Tony Underwood <tonyu@roava.net>
>Subject: Re: <VV> RE: Re: Shhhh...'60 questions (humor)
>At 11:49 hours 08/11/2004 -0500, Stephen Upham wrote:
>>Perhaps a request for a Corvair power steering unit/belt could be our
>>next mischief . . . hee, hee, hee.
>Ever see power brakes on an early Vair? ;) I have.
>tony.. _______________________________________________
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Eric S. Eberhard
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