<VV> Normal Vacuum Reading???

Corvair72387@cinci.rr.com Corvair72387@cinci.rr.com
Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:45:37 -0400

Hi Everybody, I was wondering if a vacuum reading of 15 inches of mercury is
normal for a 140? I installed a Air/Fuel Ratio meter on my Vair and at idle it
shows the A/F mixture to be unstable. It fluctuates between 13:1 and 15:1 and
wont seem to hold steady. Now the instructions for the Meter say that if the
mixture isnt stable it could be caused by manifold vacuum, spark plug
condition, and plug wire condition. The spark plugs and wires are new and im
running out of ideas. By the way Im running a Holley 390 on it. Thanks for any
                                                       Nick Gier
                                                       '63 Spyder (Always is
something wrong)
'65 Monza (Daily Driver)