<VV> Draggin' Ultras
Tony Underwood
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 11:06:27 -0700
At 10:45 hours 08/10/2004 -0400, Sethracer@aol.com wrote:
>Someone tried to post a video of the quarter-mile drag race between two
>Ultra-vans, but the video ran so long it filled up the hard drive. <grin>
This reminds me of the concept of how a dragrace on the highway between a
pair of Fiat Multiplas (there are two Fiat Multiplas in the fleet here)
could take place in front of a police officer and nobody would care because
no traffic laws would be broken since neither car would be able to exceed
the posted speed limit.
tony.. ran the pink/blue Multipla around a bit last night