<VV> Fuel line

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Mon, 2 Aug 2004 14:40:49 EDT

In a message dated 08/02/2004 11:05:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
davhammcar@yahoo.com writes:

> My 64, is just inboard of the spring. The metal line ends just past the 
> brake hose bracket. But the rubber line takes 2 90" turns (one looks pinched 
> off). The metal line going into the engine compartment is about 2" above and 
> maybe 1" or less behind where the long line from under the car stops. This is a 
> very poor layout, and I doubt stock but not sure. 
> Thanks
> Dave


2 ways to go:

LOOP  a piece of hose

or   bend tubing into alignnment...
