<VV> Re: Safe sex

James&Erin Marispini cyberkahuna@qwest.net
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 21:59:39 -0500

On Thursday, April 29, 2004, at 03:24 PM, 
virtualvairs-request@corvair.org wrote:

> I got a couple of emails like yours but from support at qwest.net. I 
> also deleted them, but I opend the third one and low and behold my  
> antivirus software let me know that the email contained some kind of 
> sobig virus, wich didn't really matter cause it was for a pc and I use 
> a mac. I was suprised to know that my antivirus software could also 
> catch viruses ment for a pc. But good to know so I know I won't 
> forward anything to those using a pc.