<VV> Coil over shocks

Sethracer@aol.com Sethracer@aol.com
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 16:10:26 EDT

In a message dated 4/29/04 3:16:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
emills5@cfl.rr.com writes:
If anyone knows of a company
or web site where we can get more information we would appreciate it.
Reply either on or off line and I will forward information to him.  I say
online, since the information anyone might offer might be of use to others.

Cecil Mills
Cocoa, Fl.

At the Palm Springs Fan Belt Toss & Swap Meet last year, Archibald Evans, of 
V8 Vairdom, had, on display, a front end designed with coil overs installed. 
It involved opening up the hole in the lower arm for the body of the 
shock/spring to clear, and used what appeared to be the stock upper and lower mountings. 
I suppose that if you replaced the upper arm with a more "photogenic", 
tubular one, it wouldn't look too bad, even naked in/on a street roadster. Seth