<VV> Stock '62 radio
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 14:47:22 EDT
Patrick: Does your radio have a face that angles up at about 45 degrees
relative to the radio body? (If the radio were set on a table, the face and knobs
would be pointing up at your face). That's what a '61,'62 Full-size Chevy
radio looks like. I can't imagine that it would fit in a Corvair, but who knows?
The Corvair radio would have a regular, vertical faceplate if it were set on
a table. If your radio does have the "laid-back" face of a '61-2 big-car, the
'61 version has the letters C H E V Y on the pushbuttons, the '62 has
regular, unmarked black pushbuttons.
Craig Nicol
<snip>Does any 62 car owners have a photo of their stock radio and bezel they
could send me? I have been informed that the radio I have had for years is
for a full size Chevy so now I am unsure of what a 62 Corvair radio even
looks like. More for curiosity than anything else. <unsnip>