<VV> 65 Turbo Timing Problem

Eric S. Eberhard flash@vicspdi.com
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:17:34 -0700

The Ignitor changes the timing very much.  Mine retarded it a lot.  It is 
easy to fix.  Move all the plug wires one position counter-clockwise ... 
and you will be able to set it properly.

One thing you said disturbed me.  The retard unit should not be in 
play.  To time it, it should be disconnected and plugged.

The advance/retard unit works very well and allows more advance without 
knocking.  Which gives more advance at lower rpm which makes it run real well.

Good luck!

At 10:49 AM 4/20/04, you wrote:
>From: michael cassera <michael@defiancestudios.com>
>When I replaced the points with the ignitor ignition, I checked the timing
>to make sure everything was working well.  For some reason, the timing was
>set to 16 degrees.  I had checked the timing a few months ago when the
>points were still installed and it read 24 degrees.  I assumed that
>changing from point to the ignitor had changed the timing so I didn't
>think much of it.  I went to adjust the timing.  The problem is that even
>when I turned the distributor all the way to the stop counter clockwise
>the best I can get on the timing is about 20 degrees.
>Is there a possibility that the pressure retard has failed?  How would you
>test that?  I was also considering getting the Advance/Retard unit by
>Manufacturing.  It's not tragic that the timing is retarded a little bit
>to help with spark detonation when I boost, but I would rather have things
>to spec if possible.
>Any ideas?

Eric S. Eberhard
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