<VV> 69 In Tow
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 13:23:01 -0700
At 1059 04/25/2004 -0500, John Miller wrote:
>Smitty says:
>I'm not really expecting any answers, but I would
>like to know if all Lates have nasty dispositions.
You must have been lucky enough to have encountered one possessed.
Bill Wash and I just flat-towed yet *another* Vair 50+ miles from the
area to Roanoke with nary a twitch, hardly knew it was behind us the whole way
until it came time to turn around in a parking lot.
Never had any troubles flat-towing any late Vair unless it was one without an
engine... then things can get interesting during a flat tow... because of the
tail-high attitude and resulting reduced front castor, so I'm told.