<VV> 20th annual Corvair Atlanta Springfest
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 01:11:09 -0400
We had an awesome Springfest this year. Corvair Atlanta and co-host
Heart of Georgia Corvairs, dialed in a special weather request for the weekend
and were granted a spectacular Georgia Mountain's weekend.
We had participation from 29 Corvair clubs. Cal and Joan Clark along
many individual vendors brought their wares and I suspect all were happy they
came. Our Concours and Car Display were so well attended we came very close
to running out of room in the parking areas. All corvairs from 1960 thru
1969 were
represented including many FC's and several Ultra Vans.
Madam President Sarah, Directors Richard Jenkins and Scott Morehead
in attendance as well as Rickie Williams and his wife who brought our
Raffle Corvair to show all present what an outstanding restoration job is
being done.
CORSA Concours Co-Chairs, Bob Norwalk and Ray Fallot and their wives joined us
again this year.
Friday's hospitality supper as well as the Saturday banquet were
prepared on site
and home cooked. Kelly Parker's World Famous Chili returned with a vengenance
on Friday night. Jeannette Rudolph and Wanda Cooke (Jeanette's twin sister)
led a
talented bunch who turned out some outstanding meals and fine desserts.
indicated that she fed upwards of 170 hungry folks at banquet time.
We had 17 Corvairs take a 1 1/2 hour mountain cruise Saturday
afternoon. The
roads included the Senator Richard Russell Scenic Highway and took
across the Applachian Trail twice, crossed Neel's Gap and Hog Pen Gap with
cross-back two lane roads that exceeded 3700' elevation at times.
Co-show Chairs Lillian Law and Billy Bruce outdid themselves and
were assisted
by many willing volunteers. David Clamp, Clay Collier, Ted Fahrenthold, Tye
and Janet
Howard, John and Yvonne Kirkman, Roger Smith, Ray Paul, Pat Taylor, James Law,
Eleanor Bruce, Jim and Pam Mclott, Robert and Amy Birkinbine, Walt Davis, Mary
Carter and all the rest I can't remember. Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!
It was a very nice way to celebrate a 20th anniversary.
Chuck Armer and Darth Vair
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman