<VV> (VV) GEN/FAN & electrical -Arjay Morgan
Bill Hubbell
Bill Hubbell" <whubbell@umich.edu
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:17:55 -0400
You can make your own gasket out of cereal box cardboard and it will work
just as well as anything the vendors sell. Another alternative is to just
use Blue RTV and let it set up a bit before applying the part .
Bill Hubbell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arjay Morgan" <n3lkz@yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:34 AM
Subject: <VV> (VV) GEN/FAN & electrical -Arjay Morgan
> Fellow Varians:
> A week or so ago I posted to the list the ominous
> GEN/FAN light that appeared while on my way home on a
> dark and lonely road.
> Here's an update:
> The cluprit is apparently a burned out armature in the
> generator. My generator rebuilder gentleman says it'll
> be over $100 for a new one if he can even find one.
> Sitting in a box I have an alternator adapter casting
> and two alternators. Obviously, I've been planning
> ahead. Equally obviously, the cost-benefit equation
> favors switching to alternator power.
> The question is this: I'll need a new gasket to mate
> the casting to the engine, cheap, yes, but the
> shipping from either of the vendors will be three
> times the cost of the gasket.
> I have a friend who is an aircraft powerplant
> rebuilder and he's offered me some cork gasket
> material from which to make one. Has anyone in the
> group used a cork gasket in this position? Are there
> any issues with the thickness of the cork and the
> length of the fuel pump push rod? How about torque
> specs for the four hold-down bolts when using cork?
> What about leakage?
> Unca Lon lists cardboard, better cardboard and nitrile
> in his catalog, but nary a mention of cork. I guess my
> concern is whether this material can stand up to not
> only the heat and the oil, but also the 40 psi or
> thereabouts that it has to bear up to.
> Thoughts and advice please before I go to a bit of
> trouble making a gasket out of the wrong stuff.
> Thanks,
> Arjay Morgan
> 64 Monza convert
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