<VV> Time to Fix the Vapor Lock

Shaun shaun_mcgarvey@shaw.ca
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 17:56:07 -0700

They do. Christy Millers turbo '63 ragtop "Zelda" did shortly after a gas
stop in 110deg heat north of Vegas on the way home from the Flagstaff
convention. I was just going to wait for it to cool but Christy came up with
a "right now" solution. She poked a hole in the bottom of a plastic pop
bottle, wraps a towel around the gas filler neck, I crack the gas line
fitting at the carb, she puts the bottle against the filler and seals it
with the towel and blows into the bottle. I yell when gas spurts out the
fitting, tighten, crank, and VROOM, it's off we go again.
yea, Vairily ... Shaun


> As I've said before, I've driven my Corvairs hard in temperatures up to at
> least 115 F and have never seen a hint of vapor lock.  I don't believe
> they do, it's always something else as per the items noted in this list.
> RonH

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