<VV> Top Down... (Humor)

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 20:02:56 -0500

Gota watch out with that top down humor, i was taking pictures at the start 
of the rally last year and I mentioned to a couple in a convertible it was 
a beautiful topless day and I got flashed.  Some times its work to help out 
at a convention and some times it has its rewards.


At 08:15 PM 4/20/2004 -0500, J R Read_HML wrote:
>Goes down the first day the temp hits 60 and pretty much stays there until
>the first day the temp is back down to about 58.  That is pretty much all
>summer... 90+ degree days included.  Only goes up in the meantime if I get
>caught in the rain...  and that is only if I can't drive fast enough to keep
>it off of me.

>Later, JR
>'61 Rampside Standard 4/110
>'65 Monza Convertible 4/140
>'66 beater Coupe - icemobile 4/140