<VV> Re: Electric AC note to Frank Parker
Frank F Parker
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:32:58 -0400 (EDT)
> I think most Vairs wont have all the pumps fans and telemetry you car does, so we need to
> know what size fuse the new SUVs have in this electric unit.
> lew
The point I was trying to make was the electric a/c unit we use takes 25
amps at 13.5 volts to deliver not very much btu and thus if you were to
scale it up, the current draw would be beyond the reasonable altenator
that one could use. I believe the Saturn Vue was mentioned as having an
electric unit and someone chimed up the electrical system was of the newer
type soon coming to most car. Power goes as the square of the voltage so
higher voltage helps big time. Thus new hybrid cars use 300 to 500 volt
systems. The a/c unit we use is aftermarker and possibly Saturn does use a
conventional electrical system to power an electrical a/c unit from an
innovative system. Point I was trying to make is 12v yields little