<VV> valve adjustments
Ron F Hinz
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 09:17:00 -0700
Bill, you're last two sentences sum up every argument on the subject
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Hubbell" <whubbell@cox.net>
To: <VirtualVairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> valve adjustments
> Comments in text
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tony" <tonyu@roava.net>
> To: <VirtualVairs@corvair.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:34 AM
> >
> > Do you not have to turn the engine several times to get the heel of the
> cam
> > lobes on the lifters t9o adjust the valve lash? How much up and down
> running
> > back and forth does this take?
> Crank needs to be turned only once to adjust the valves cold.
> > >To adjust the valves hot, you have to take the valve covers off,
> a
> >
> > You do this no matter what method is used.
> No, you don't. Because when you are adjusting them cold, you adjust them
> once, right after you install the rockers, then you install the valve
> and leave it on. Once adjusted cold, they never need to be adjusted
> You only take the valve cover off if you have to do some work on the head.
> <SMIT>
> >
> > If the valves were noisy you'd have heard them and noted that when you
> > home
> > you were gonna adjust the valve lash... the engine would be warm
> already.
> But if you had adjusted them cold in the first place, they never would be
> noisy when you ran the engine.
> > And that valve cover with the holes in it isn't a 1/3 cover, it's whole
> with
> > holes... ;) And, it's secured with wingnuts on long shouldered studs,
> whip
> > 'em on in about 20 seconds.
> Great, one more part to get lost in the garage. Not to mention having to
> clean it after use.
> <SMIT>
> > >clean up the oily mess,
> >
> > The oil I spill is about what gets spilled taking the normal valve
> > off. A bit of kitty litter and all is well.
> I don't spill any oil adjusting them cold, because I do it when I put the
> head on, before there is any oil in the engine.
> <SMIT>
> > >Gee. I think I'll keep adjusting them cold.
> >
> > Whatever works best for whoever does it. :) BY the way, it takes
> less
> > than 10 minutes to adjust them hot/running`and that includes the wingnut
> valve
> > covers.
> No matter how you figure it, the hot adjust takes longer. At some point
> valves had to be adjusted cold, just to get the engine started. Now, if
> cold adjust was done correctly in the first place, the hot adjust would
> never be necessary. Therefore, by definition, all hot adjusts are just a
> waste of time.
> Bill Hubbell
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